Sunday of Advent, Year B


"Let the Earth Bring Forth a Savior"



2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 // Rm 16:25-27 // Lk 1:26-28



The beauty of creation is a poem.  People are moved to prayer and contemplation by the deep feelings that it evokes.  The Advent readings and prayers of the Church are filled with poetic images of creation which is indeed a vehicle of divine revelation.

Today’s Entrance antiphon, “Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior,” is a poetic Advent invocation with a divine message.  In terms of creation motif, it presents the twofold movement of the mystery of Incarnation depicted in the gospel reading (Lk 1:26-28).  The initiative of salvation comes from God, and Mary’s unconditional response is an absolute participation in the saving plan.

The first part of the invocation, “Let the clouds rain down the Just One,” refers to the initiative of the Father through the Holy Spirit, his creative power.  The Holy Spirit overshadows Mary and makes the incarnation of the Divine Son possible.  As the creative origin of life, the Holy Spirit fills the humble maiden of Nazareth with divine energy and knits together the flesh and blood of the Savior in her nurturing and virginal womb.  Indeed, through his life-giving power, the Holy Spirit would bring about the greatest miracle in the history of humankind: the mystery of the Incarnation.  With Jesus the Savior of the world, something radically new begins: the NEW CREATION.

The second part of the invocation, “(let) the earth brings forth a Savior,” focuses on Mary‘s participation in the miracle of life.  In a poetic way, Mary of Nazareth is “the earth that opens up.”  The gospel story of the announcement of the birth of the Messiah is set in the context of Mary’s own vocation as Mother and Disciple.  Her vocation is marked with deep receptivity to the creative action of the Holy Spirit.  Her total consecration to the divine plan, expressed in her reply to the angel, “May it be done to me according to your word,” would enable the Rose of Judah to bud forth from the stem of Jesse and from David’s royal clan.  Indeed, the Rose of Judah is Jesus Christ; the Rose plant is Mary of Nazareth, betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David.  The birth of Jesus through a woman would fulfill the Lord’s promise spoken to David through the prophet Nathan.  The kingdom of David will be established forever in the sight of the Lord (see First Reading: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16).  Moreover, in the words of St. Paul, the promised Messiah made flesh in the womb of the virgin of Nazareth is the mystery kept for endless ages but now fully revealed (see the Second Reading: Rm 16:25-27).

At the threshold of Christmas, let us look at the Incarnation from the ecological point of view. Indeed, a very significant pro-life issue is environmental concern. We have only one planet Earth to offer us life support, and there is no other. Let us contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation as intimately linked to God’s beloved creation. Indeed, the Incarnate Word born of Mary is the firstborn of creation and the Lord of creation. Let us therefore honor him through our reverence and promotion of the integrity of God’s creation.


  • A. In the Old Testament reading, we hear King David proposing to build a house or temple for God. But, God chose instead to build the house of David. Mary of Nazareth, the woman chosen by God to bear his only begotten Son, teaches us how to become “God’s house” in our own fragile flesh. Like Mary, do we commit ourselves in faith and loving service to build up “God’s house” in our inmost self and in the hearts of all?
  • B. In the Gospel reading, we see our Christian vocation in the light of Mary’s vocation as disciple of the Lord and as collaborator in God’s saving plan. Like Mary, do we strive to live out our discipleship to the full? Do we collaborate in hastening God’s kingdom of justice, peace and love by respecting human rights and by promoting the dignity of each person and the integration of creation?
  • C. In the mind of St. Paul, God alone is wisdom and he can give us strength to live according to the Good News, the mystery kept secret for endless ages but now revealed. Do we perceive God’s revelation at work in the marvels of creation? Do we value our interconnectedness with every aspect of God’s beloved creation? Do we have a deep eco-spirituality and an active environmental concern that will promote the healing of Mother Earth and the protection of the planet’s endangered species?


  • Leader: As Christmas is fast approaching, let us present to the Lord our ardent desire to welcome this holy solemnity through prayers and concrete works of charity. With Mary, the Lady of messianic waiting, we pray:

    • Assembly: Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.

  • Leader: Let us pray for the sick and suffering, for the poor and the marginalized, for the lonely and the oppressed that the coming celebration of the Lord’s birth may bring them solace and comfort, liberation and spiritual joy. With Mary, the Mother of the Lord, we pray:

    • Assembly: Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.

  • Leader: Let us pray for God’s beloved creation besieged by threats of ecological destruction that we may commit ourselves to its healing and integration.

    • Assembly: Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.

  • Leader: God our Father, on the occasion of the forthcoming Christmas celebration, open the treasures of your kindness and mercy and help us to toil zealously for the Advent of your kingdom and the integration of your beloved creation. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

    • Assembly: Amen.


The following sacred text is a living word to nourish us throughout the week. Please memorize it. 

“Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.” (Is 45:8) 


  • ACTION PLAN A: Contemplate a budding rose and pray over the text of the Advent song “Behold, a Rose of Judah”, and ask the Lord to open your minds to receive the Spirit who prepares for Christ’s coming.
  • ACTION PLAN B: In order to help promote the integration of creation, avoid wasting water, energy, and other available material resources.


Prepared by Sr. Mary Margaret Tapang  PDDM






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